Monday, August 10, 2009

Roast Rub

So a couple of years ago I was looking for an herb rub for Prime Rib, and after combining a couple of recipes together I came up with this, but I can't tell you measurements or anything since I just kind of go by smell, feel, and color. :-) Helpful. I know. I've discovered that this is good on most roast, be it prime rib or whatever. If you want it really flavorful, I stabbed my roasts (prime rib) with knives and then put the rub on and then wrapped them in saran wrap and let them marinate for a day or so before cooking.

Roast Rub

Dijon Mustard (Alot)
Beef Boullion (Alot)
Horseradish sauce (not the mayo kind, the REAL thing) (a little)
Onion Powder (or minced)
Garlic Powder (and if you want minced garlic)
Dried Parsley
Dried Rosemary
Dried Thyme
I used it the other day on this sirloin tip roast, but I only had the cubed boullion so I stuck it in the water and not in the rub.
When you have mixed everything together it should feel a lot like a paste mixture and look more greenish-brownish than in this picture. Kind of like, err....nevermind.

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